RIM To Buy Out Chalk – Wonder What They Will Do With It

RIM put out a press release that they will be purchasing the Canadian company Chalk Media Corp. Chalk has one major product, Mobile Chalkboard, that allows you to create secure mobile deployments of what they call PushCasts to BlackBerrys. These PushCasts are an easy way to deliver content to BlackBerrys within an organization and can include video and audio. Chalk seems like it has already caught some traction with large corporations and government organizations.


Makes me wonder what RIM is going to do with Chalk… Will they keep it as a separate product? Or will they morph it into a consumer/small business offering? Would be fun to be able to get podcasts that way on my BlackBerry.

via press release

1 comment on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Blackberry needs a really good podCast program/delivery system.

    It’s the one thing I would definitely buy right now for my Curve.

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