Opera Mini 4.2 Gets A Slight Upgrade/Bug Fix

operamini Raffy let me know that Opera has made a slight version upgrade in the Opera Mini 4.2 application bringing it to version 4.2.13337.

This latest version just fixes one bug on the BlackBerry. It adds the “Zoom” and “Edit” buttons back in BlackBerry menu.

You can pick up the latest version at www.operamini.com/download/

via DailyMobile

3 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. I already had Opera Mini 4.2 (which under About was 4.2.13057) and when I go to install this new version the download doesn’t say I already have 4.2 installed. This annoys me about Opera as it is too easy to install more than one version. So you will have to delete your previous version first. Make sure you have Synced your Bookmarks recently. This install will requires a reboot. In my old version I already had “zoom” in the BlackBerry Menu, and I don’t see an “edit” now.

  2. no icon for opera mini

  3. Every time I start opera mini in my SE K800i. It starts installing/downloading as it does during installation/First usage.

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