Hourly Chime & Speaking Clock Application

The guys at AIM productions just released a unique application for BlackBerry. It is essentially a talking or beeping clock. It can either speak the time for you, chime, or chime like a church bell with the number of chimes indicating the hour. Thoughtfully there is a night mode which silences the application during user configurable times of the night.

Blackberry_HourlyChime_10 Blackberry_HourlyChime_11

Personally I just think it is a great way to end meetings that are running late. Instead of pulling out your watch and saying "look at the time" your phone will stress the point for you. Now if there were only a way to make it say goofy things on the hour just to screw with coworkers…


You can pick it up at Handango for $6.99 at this link. Sadly it does not look like there is a trial available.

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