Premium iBerry 3G from EleCite.Com…Now for the BOLD!

Peter from eVeek/Elecite just informed me that they have taken their popular iBerry 3G theme and re-created it for the Blackberry Bold. For those of you who may have not seen it, iBerry 3G is an awesome looking theme with sharp black, textured backgrounds and colorful iphone icons. The today screen displays ‘calendar’ and ‘call log’ listings and bottom dock icons are of course, customizable. To be honest, I have been contemplating getting this theme for my Curve but have been so busy reviewing other themes, I just haven’t had the chance. However, if it’s from these guys, you can count on it being top quality and darn good looking as well. Go ahead, treat your Bold to iBerry 3G…from Elecite.Com.

It’s also available for 81xx, 83xx, 87xx & 88xx devices.

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Nice Icons, and worked well on the bold, slight hitch with sms/mms small icon but they helped me with correct config.
    Would have liked , profile icon on home page and extra 2 icons and less gap between home page icons.
    Installed on BBold 9000

  2. Its ok. I didn't like it that muhc. I prefer icons and themes. They are much sharper and crisp.

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