Obama might be experiencing a bit of his "change" when he comes to office. My good friend Dave let me know about an article in the New York Times detailing how Obama might have to give up his BlackBerry when he takes over the oval office. I guess there are downsides to being the president…
I wonder what it would be like to be on crackberry withdrawal. Do you think you could give up your BlackBerry? Let us know in the comments!
BTW: I wonder how he is going to keep track of his MySpace following without his Berry and the new MySpace app… 🙂 Or maybe he will "change" to a Storm or Bold…
GT Not Registered
Posted: November 17, 2008 at 7:13 AM EST from my BlackBerry 8320
That’s why I didn’t run of the higest office in the land. I can’t give up the habit.