I was surprised when Verizon launched OS 4.5 and their VZApp Zone application did not support the latest release. I thought with all their delays that they would have everything ready.
Tim R let me know that Verizon has released a new version of the App Zone that works on his Verizon 8330 running OS You can pick it up at start.vzw.com.
Brian Not Registered
Posted: November 13, 2008 at 3:24 AM EST
still won't work on and OS 4.5 8830 WE, but i assume thats because Verizon hasn't released the official 4.5 OS. is there anyone that has a link straight to the curve .jad file to see if it will at least work with my phone, cause i get shutdown at the ota website listed by VZE
DavidB Not Registered
Posted: November 13, 2008 at 8:40 AM EST from my BlackBerry 8830
More important, where do I get!
Dave H Not Registered
Posted: November 13, 2008 at 2:14 PM EST from my BlackBerry 8130
Any time frame on when this might work for the pearl with OS 4.5?
Tim R Not Registered
Posted: November 14, 2008 at 10:04 AM EST
My name in print again 🙂
I had assumed this would work for the Perl as well. Odd that it does not. Have you tried updating your service books?
The .97 link I had is long dead, but here is another one . . . enjoy 😉
8330 Curve http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=d94c679f8d95fa…