Theme designer Amir has released a new theme called iVista. iVista is based on Windows Vista but with iPhone(ish) type icons…hence the name iVista. As you read my theme posts you can probably see by now that I’m a sucker for sharp, vibrant images/graphics and so this theme struck me right away. Thanks to my buddy Chad at Themes4BB (where the theme is for sale), I was able to play around with this theme on my Curve. I have to tell you this is a very nicely done theme. The main page background is extremely sharp on your screen and sets against nicely with the 10 colorful icons in the middle. I like the colors overall and the fonts used work perfectly with the entire theme. The best thing about this theme is that it looks good no matter what the device…and iVista is available for pretty much all of them…81xx, 82xx, 83xx, 88xx & 9xxx. Screenshots are below, so take a look. iVista costs $6.99 ($4.99 sale for the Bold version throughout November) and can be accessed at Themes4BB’s store.
Screenshots of 81xx, 82xx & 9xxx devices.