SanDisk 16GB MicroSDHC Card $89.99 @ Amazon – Unflippingbelievable!

sandisk16gbmicrosd Not sure how the hell this slipped by me. 16GB MicroSD cards are going for $89.99 at Amazon with free shipping!!! I mentioned when the 16GB cards first started showing up but they were only from small website stores that could not really be trusted or were charging a small mortgage.

Turns out that Amazon has lost their mind and started shipping orders for the SanDisk 16GB MicroSD card. The price is actually pretty reasonable at $89.99 with free shipping. That is about how much I paid for a 6GB card a year ago! Just to give you a frame of reference Fommy is trying to charge $179.99 for the same card.

You can pick up the SanDisk 16GB MicroSD card at this link at Amazon. When it comes I can finally consider my BlackBerry to be a real media player with room for MP3’s, DIVX, and all!

Let me know if you find them cheaper! Some of the smaller shops at Amazon are selling them for a few dollars less.

Just a reminder from our FAQ:

BlackBerry Device Software Media Card Size Limit
BlackBerry Device Software 4.2.0 Up to 2 GB
BlackBerry Device Software 4.2.1 Up to 4 GB
BlackBerry Device Software 4.2.2 Up to 4 GB
BlackBerry Device Software 4.3.0 Up to 8 GB
BlackBerry Device Software 4.5.0
Up to 8 GB
BlackBerry Device Software and above Up to 16 GB
BlackBerry Device Software 4.6.0 Up to 16 GB
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