John Mayer Goes From Bold To Storm… Should You?

johnmayerstorm John Mayer has been the poster boy for RIM for awhile now. He was one of the first to publicly sport the Bold on AT&T back in May. RIM even sponsored his tour. I don’t know what RIM has about celebrities but they just love to use them as advocates for the device. Maybe it is part of making the BlackBerry “cool” but is it necessary?

OR maybe this is just a way for RIM to hint that the Storm is better than the Bold and there is no point in getting a Bold from AT&T… 🙂

Just to top himself it looks like John is now sporting a BlackBerry Storm. One of the first if not the first to be publicly spotted on a celebrity. I wonder if Madonna has one too

via Celebrity BlackBerry Sightings via Rimarkable

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  1. What about the video of that Formula 1 driver saying he loved his Storm and got it way before anyone else?

    Ok, I do think it is interesting this Bold to Storm transition. But if Mayer is simply shilling for RIM, its no surprise to see him bounce from carrier to carrier.

    Now, what would be real interesting would be if RIM (or VZW) could snag some high profile iPhone users and get them using Storm. Don’t play it up so much (so you’re not snide 😉 ), just your normal photo op shots with a Storm where the paparazzi used to see iPhone. And let viral marketing work it for them.

  2. Quite frankly I don’t care about celebrity endorsements as they are only doing it for the exposure and the money. Give me ‘Peter the Product manager’ or ‘Doris the dance instructor’ as support for Blackberry anytime.

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