Aerize Email Alerts Version 1.1.1 Released

aerizeemailalertsAerize just let me know that they plan on updating their alerts application to version 1.1.1 today. I know quite a few of you have this application so I thought it would be worthy of mention. In case you don’t know the application essentially offers you popup notifications for email and SMS.


  • Added keyboard shortcuts ( [o] open, [m] mark, [d] delete, [t] top )
  • Added top button to go to the top of the message
  • Fixed issue with start up delay for various devices
  • Optimizations to the notification subsystem
  • Added button layout option (stacked, strip, bottom)
  • Snooze button has been fixed
  • French, Spanish, Italian, German translation

BTW: Since Aerize Alerts v1.0.2, (MWI) Message Waiting Indicator messages have been filtered out.

You can pick up the latest version at Aerize at this link. If you don’t already have a copy you can pick one up on sale for $7.50 until November 30th.

Quite a few readers have asked us what the difference is between Aerize Email Alerts & PeeKaWho. Both are very popular but sadly I don’t use either due to the unbelievable amount of email I get a day. Aerize sent me this list of differentiating factors if you are interested but I cannot confirm or deny them myself. Keep in mind these applications are under constant development so this list could change quickly.

Aerize Email Alerts – Exclusive functionality
1. Configurable Alerts – Set the font size, change the button layout, choose how much of the message body to view if at all.
2. Functionality – HTML Email alerts are displayed and can preview the message body.
3. Translations – Currently available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.
4. Ease of use – MWI filtering, Snooze button, open to the SMS inbox, Notification Queue
5. Plays nice w/ other’s – Integrated AutoStandby support and works with BB Alerts.

1. LED Alerts – Unlike Aerize Email Alerts, does not work with BB Alerts

13 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. I have both, but I have to say peekawho is better.

  2. Oh, and when they (aerize) upgrade to 2.x, you’ll have to pay for it again, not so with peekawho.

  3. @Corinne: perhaps you could enlighten us with your thoughts as to why you this Peek-A-Who is functionally better?? Thx in advance.

  4. -this +think 🙂

  5. I think both these products do let you filter on WHICH emails they alert on. I think bb alerts is what I need because I get 100s of emails a day but only certain people or key words demand my immediate attention.

  6. Peekawho has better filters, it looks better, and it works faster. It also “wakes” your bb up when you get an email.

    Apparently, my LED won’t turn off now when I use aerize, I have to turn my bb off and then back on.

    If you want a comparison, use the trials and decide for yourself.

  7. Perhaps you haven’t set the application permissions, since it does wake my BB. I find the filters for Aerize to be much easier. Peekawho makes you type each one in each time you install it, and that is a real pain.

  8. You seem to be one of the few people that think Peekawho looks better than Aerize. For me and many others, Aerize is a lot more visually refined.

  9. Great release, works well.

    I had problems with the PeeKaWho beta, it was crashing.

  10. Aerize 1.1.1 is Strong build , Very Stable ,pop ups look fantastic, Great looking User interface and works with Blackberry alerts installed which is very important to so many users that want LED colors choices..
    Aerize is more focused on Smooth Pop up notification application.

    It seems to me like PeekaWho wants to be the everything app, Pop ups , LED control which is ok but at least make it user friendly to those that are using Blackberry Alerts so led color choices is still a choice.

  11. @Corinne: Is the LED problem from the peekawho beta? It seems rather unstable. I prefer the aerize filters, one option filters out all the stuff I don’t want.

    @peanut: Count me in. Aerize email alerts has much better formatting and looks much more professional.

    @ken: Agreed! Its an awesome version. Aerize seems to be heading in the right direction.

    I like to disable the auto dismiss and then I know when I get to my phone how many emails I have, and I can dismiss all of them with the open button. That one feature makes it much better than peekawho. It works pretty good with what I consider a lot of emails since it can auto dismiss.

  12. Whoops! I meant dismiss all, not auto dismiss. Sorry.

  13. Not installed at the same time, and other people have said they experience the same thing (elsewhere).

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