Free ‘Blue Angel’ Theme from The Theme Gurus at eVeek

I can’t take it anymore. There hasn’t been a theme from eVeek that has been less than fantastic! Their latest free theme, ‘Blue Angel’ is no exception with its cool gradient background creatively enhanced with luminescent neon blue accents. If I had to tweak one thing, (and this is just my opinion) it would be on the icon page where the icons only show what its corresponding application is when you actually scroll over it. This may make searching for applications a little slower than normal. However, main page icons are customizable so you can put your most used apps up front and that should solve much of the issue. Definitely worth downloading just for looks alone!

Blue-Angel-83-Screenshot1 Blue-Angel-83-Screenshot3

Available for 83xx, 87xx and 88xx devices (8700 users must be on OS 4.5 – use the 8300 download link) ‘Blue Angel’ is accessible via the ‘guru’s’ website at eVeek.Com

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