First I should mention that the Bold has made a debut on Best Buy’s website for the ridiculous retail price of $679.99 backordered. Via TBGR
We have been getting a ton of tips about the upcoming release dates and was writing up a roundup… When I discovered that our buddy Kevin did a great roundup on CrackBerry. I won’t reinvent the wheel so:
- AT&T BlackBerry Bold – available November 4th source
- Rogers BlackBerry Pearl 8220 – Ships Oct. 29, in stock for Halloween source
- Verizon BlackBerry Storm – Corporate Stores Nov. 15th, Best Buy, 16th, Everywhere 17th. As stated earlier on CrackBerry, stores should be opening an hour earlier on the opening week in anticipation source
- Vodafone BlackBerry Storm – November 11th? source
- Bell BlackBerry Storm – currently slated to launch Nov. 21 source
Nice work on the roundup Kevin and thanks to everybody for also sending these in!