Contest: unlock your phone for FREE

unlock Steve @ Horizon Wireless offered us a great opportunity to have some fun. Horizon has given us 10 unlock codes for either Rogers or AT&T to give away to some of our most inspired readers.

The contest is simple. We will choose and award the top 10 best phrases (or any text in general) that contain the words “carrier“, “lock” and “suck“. Nouns can be in the plural, verbs can be conjugated. Please keep it short, do not submit more than 100 words at a time. Multiple submissions are welcome. Winners will be chosen on Tuesday October 28th and we will hopefully announce them soon after. Good luck and may the best wordsmith win!

If you need an unlock code pronto for your BlackBerry (North America and internationally), we highly recommend checking out Horizon Wireless at They also have some great deals on parts and devices.

18 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. It totally sucks that my carrier Rogers will not unlock my beautiful new Bold.

  2. That’s the cool thing about tmo. You can unlock any tmo phone you happen to have, even for a friend, for free. There are a few limitations, like you have to be a cust for at least 90 days, and you can only do 1 unlock request every 90 days per line, but you can’t beat free.

  3. Carrier locks – suck!

  4. I agree, Carrier T-Mo no sucky cuz phone unlocky fo free

  5. It really suck that all U.S. carrier phones come lock.

  6. Carrier + Suck = Lock + Phone

  7. Carrier can suck on their phone when BR gets my bold no longer locked for free!

  8. My Bold is locked result: Rogers Suck, and so does your Carrier!

  9. If you think “suck” describes your carrier best, it’s time to lock in a new one. 🙂

  10. I would love to Bodly go where no man has gone before, but alas my Rogers lock will not allow my BB9000 to roam the universe freely. That sucks for mankind and me!

  11. I would love to Bodly go where no man has gone before, but alas my Rogers carrier lock will not allow my BB9000 to roam the universe freely. That sucks for mankind and I!

  12. If Verizon locks down one more feature from their Blackberry Devices, I am personally going to suck the life force out of them.

  13. I suck because at 5 am, I didn’t comprehend how much a carrier lock blows.

  14. I don’t need the unlock, I just wanted to say Horizonwireless is the bomb for unlocking devices, I had my Bold unlocked by them, if you don’t win definitely pick up an unlock code from them either way.

  15. Watch out for those stupid carrier pigeons…they will lock you down into a timewarp of suckage!

  16. Carrier=Suck if f(x)=Phone+Lock

  17. One time I called up my carrier and asked for an unlock code and they told me to suck it. Well once I get an unlock code, I will go straight to my carrier and tell them to suck it right back!

  18. Ok

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