3G Javelin-Like 9220 To Now Be Called 9300?

boldcurvejavelin We have been hearing rumors about a 9220 Javelin/Curve like 3G device for a bit now and I just heard another little juicy tidbit.

Secret Agent 003 let me know that the 9220 name will be scrapped in favor of the 9300 moniker. That way it will show its similarities with the 8300 curve series. I never understood why it would be called the 9220 since that would imply a suretype like device…

Hell this thing will probably have 3-4 other names before it launches anyway. On the other hand this kind of insider information helps us understand all the changes and keep on top of the latest rumors.

Now this is the device I truly want. A Bold with a thinner waistline. 🙂

Thanks 003!

3 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Wow I thought it would be much longer before we’d here anything about a 3G Javelin since the Bold is just launching now. I was all excited about the Javelin but dreading having to shell out top $$ since I’m just 1/2 thru my current contract. Now I can wait a bit longer for a 3G Javelin which will also hopefully come to T-Mo

  2. Yeah Baby!

    Ditto what Nikolaus said.

  3. I’m not sure how 9220 implies SureType:


    and so on…

    Or did the Pearl flip throw everyone off?

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