Free ‘Cool Breeze’ Theme Series for the 8300

Papped over at BlueRoomSolution.Com recently sent in a new theme he designed called ‘Cool Breeze’ for Blackberry 83xx devices for OS 4.2 & 4.5. (according to Papped, icons are only customizable with OS 4.5) Like it’s name, this theme features a cool bluish background image with light blue and white icons and looks good with alternative wallpapers. From what I can tell, there are 3 versions; a Bottom Dock, Today+ (with messages & calendar) and a Today+ (with just calendar). Nice work Papped! ZIP files only are available via this link.

CoolBreeze_Dock_4_5 CoolBreeze_4_5

CoolBreeze_Calendar01 CoolBreeze02

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