Free & Premium Themes from ThemeBerry.Com

The guys at Themeberry.Com just let me know about a free new theme they created called ‘ThemeBerry Bold’ (Today+ version shown top left), which is available in a variety of styles for most Blackberry devices and OSs. However, when I visited their site, I also came across some other themes that I thought were just as cool. Like Greeon (also free), Invertex and Renegade (both of which cost $7.00). All themes are very well done and come in several different format styles (ie, Zen, Today, Icon, etc.)…below is just a sampling. For a better look, I would recommend stopping by their site from your mobile browser where you can access and download OTA for themes directly.

(ThemeBerry Bold – Today+)                  (Greeon Today)

(Renegade Icon)                                    (Invertex Icon)

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