Many of our readers have expressed how much they like when we post about the newest and coolest themes out there for their Blackberry devices. I personally try to scan all the theme sites for new themes but unfortunately I miss a lot. Also, we get tons of emails sent to ‘[email protected]’ so theme emails can occasionally get lost in the shuffle. With this in mind, we’ve decided to try out a dedicated email address specifically for theme designers.
From now on, if you have a theme you designed that you want to share or know of a really cool theme that’s out there (free or premium), send us an email at [email protected].
If you submit a theme and we write up a article about it the theme will be featured in the BerryReview Themes Directory.
*Due to the amount of themes that we may receive, we will most likely not be able post about every one. However, we will try our best to post as many as we can. Also, any themes we do write about may take several days to publish after receiving them, so please be patient (and submit themes only once). Finally, you don’t have to be a professional designer to submit themes but you should use your discretion as to what themes you send in — also test and check that they work properly.
Here are the basic guidelines to follow:
1. In the email include the following information;
-Author/Creator of Theme Design (please try to be clear on this so we can give proper credit)
-Name of Theme
-Layout of Theme (ie, Zen, Bottom Dock, Today, Icon, etc)
-Format of Theme (ie, OTA and/or ZIP)
-Supported Blackberry Device Model(s) (ie, 8100, 8300 etc.)
-Supported OS(s) (ie, 4.2, 4.5)
-Link/Name of site where your theme is posted
-Screenshots of your theme or link to where we can access those screenshots
-Any other info you think might be important
-All of the above PLUS…
-Cost of theme
-It is helpful (but not necessary) if you send us an OTA link of your theme so one of our BerryReview team members can download and review it. *Please note that as always, discretion will be used with any themes you send and will NOT be shared past the BerryReview Team.
So that’s it…We look forward to hearing from you!
disciples0 ( View Profile) - Posts: