Tom let me know about an article on RCRwireless that really surprised me. Verizon has just let everybody know that they will be charging companies that send Mobile Terminated SMS messages 3 cents per message. This is on top of current fees that cost a fraction of a penny or more. This means that services such as Twitter, GOOG411, and your bank are now going to cough up a bunch more dough to send you an SMS message. Most of them will probably just stop offering the service.
What the hell is wrong with Verizon??? The receiver, you, already pays to get the message. Why do they need to burn the candle from both ends! These companies sending SMS messages to you are making Verizon money. All this will do is make companies remove these services and thus make Verizon less money!
I just love how Verizon is trying to justify the new fee to cover their rising overhead for delivering SMS.
I still cant get over the fact that SMS messages cost about $1,310 per megabyte!!!
Chalk that up as another money hungry win for the best network on earth…
via RCRwireless
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