Michael let us know about a new GTD application that came out over a month ago (originally called Vera) yet has not be mentioned anywhere other than their website/blog. It surprised me so I decided to put the question out there. Is anyone using Viira other than Michael?
The application looks very interesting but I am not much of a GTD kind of guy so I can’t comment. The $29.99 price tag is high but not unheard of for a task application and there is a free trial available.
So this is me starting the discussion. Is Viira worth checking out? Sound off in the comments.
Check it out at www.kartamobile.com
bbguy bob Not Registered
Posted: January 5, 2009 at 7:35 PM EST
In my view Viira is a solid GTD app and it has worked very well for me, thanks for pointing me to it.
I have been using viira for the last three weeks, started with the OTA free trial and then upgraded to the full version.
It’s nice to have both projects and contexts, and it has this day view thing that is good because I can see my tasks and appointments for the day.
It looks good on my Bold unlike some other apps I have tried, although only appointments sync with Outlook.
Nice app and definitely worth the try.
Abby Not Registered
Posted: May 28, 2009 at 6:28 PM EST
I am looking for a task/to-do application that is fast, syncs with Outlook, has categories, allows you to look at only today’s tasks if desired and allows for recurring tasks. I’m finding it very frustrating to find this! If there are any ideas, I’m interested in hearing. I have the Blackberry 8830. I liked the Viira application, but I am very attached to Outlook and was surprised the tasks didn’t sync. Was a dealbreaker for me.