After getting back from my holiday I was reading a post by Kevin @ CrackBerry that DavidB sent me. It looks like Kevin’s visit to NYC with his Rogers Bold was a nightmare. This is kind of odd for me since I have been using an unlocked Rogers Bold on AT&T and it has been a true pleasure. Other than not having 3G in my apartment (bad reception in my apartment in general) the Bold has been working like a charm for me in Manhattan.
After speaking to Kevin I found that he was roaming in NYC with a Rogers SIM. Maybe that is the problem AT&T is having? He gave the phone to Craig after who is using an AT&T SIM and has not been having as many problems but it still seeing random reboots and dropped calls. Kevin also told me that the original OS from Rogers sucked when it came to viewing regular websites with javascript enabled but has improved since.
I am running OS on my Bold and have been getting 3G practically everywhere in NYC. The browser has not given me one problem yet… (Crossing my fingers) The battery life is decent at about a day and a half of heavy use. There is still a memory leak but with 32MB of free memory I don’t feel it as much.
The craziest part is that the Bold has the best reception in my apartment compared to ANY OTHER DEVICE I have ever used! I get 3-4 bars in my apartment where my AT&T 8310 only had 0-2 bars. Even Verizon & Sprint only have 1-2 bars in my apartment. I thought it was a fluke but I can now make crystal clear phone calls where previously I sounded like a tin can! The only downside is that in my apartment I can only pick up EDGE and not 3G but WiFi more than makes up for it.
So I have to ask. Did I just get lucky with my Bold? If you are using an unlocked Bold on AT&T let us know what you have seen in the comments!
Ronen Halevy ( View Profile) - Posts: