Media Sync Coming To Mac & 8220???

mediasyncmac This one has me totally confused. Eric sent in this knowledgebase article detailing the support of BlackBerry Media Sync with a 8220 on Macintosh computers

Confused yet? The official Media Sync page still says it only supports Windows but this article begs to differ.

Details below in case RIM pulls it:


  • BlackBerry® Media Sync
  • BlackBerry® Pearl™ 8220 smartphone
  • Macintosh® computers


The BlackBerry Media Sync synchronization application is required to synchronize music files from an iTunes® music collection with a BlackBerry Pearl 8220 smartphone.

Additional Information

To determine the version of BlackBerry Media Sync that is running on the Macintosh computer, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Macintosh computer, open BlackBerry Media Sync.
  2. To display the version of BlackBerry Media Sync that is running on the Macintosh computer, click Help.


To update the version of BlackBerry Media Sync that is running on the Macintosh computer, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Macintosh computer, open BlackBerry Media Sync.
  2. To display the version of BlackBerry Media Sync that is running on the Macintosh computer, click Help.
  3. Click Check for update.
  4. Complete the on-screen instructions.

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