So it is October 2nd and still no Bold to be found. BoyGenius is reporting that the Bold training for AT&T employees has been delayed do to launch delays. Its kind of odd considering launch parties are already scheduled for October.
I admit that the October and other rumored launch dates were only rumors. On the other hand the Bold has already been released in 31 countries already so what exactly is this deal breaking problem?
I really don’t get the problem that AT&T has with the Bold testing. All I can say is that my unlocked Rogers Bold has been working like an absolute DREAM on AT&T with nary a problem… It still has a memory leak problem but with 36mb of free space that is not as big of a consideration anymore to me.
Via BoyGenius Report
Excerpt from the email:
As you are aware, with the anticipated launch of the 3G AT&T BlackBerry Bold, RIM has committed to hold training sessions in over 40 cities. A large number of these sessions were to take place this and next week. Due to the continued uncertainty of the device launch date, we will work with RIM to reschedule these sessions to a later date.
Any representatives that have registered will be informed by email of the schedule change. No action is required from your part.
Rescheduling the training to align with a final technical acceptance for BlackBerry Bold launch will ensure that:
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