File this one in the rumor category. Michael @ BBNews is reporting that a high level insider confirmed to certain employees that T-Mobile will not be carrying the Bold anytime soon. They may carry a later edition like the 8100 to the 8120 but not the plain old 9000 version.
This is not surprising with the way the Bold launch has been fumbled in the US so far. You must also take into consideration that the Bold would anyways have to be customized for T-Mobile since the current version of the Bold is only Tri-Band 3G and does not support the 1700MHz frequency that T-Mobile runs 3G on.
It looks like T-Mobile will be focusing on the 8220 and the 8900 Javelin (November?) for their upcoming BlackBerrys.
And the bad news keeps rolling in for those of us in the US waiting for a Bold…
Scott Not Registered
Posted: September 30, 2008 at 12:41 AM EST
A little bit disappointing, but I will be fine with a Javelin. 🙂
emmanuel mota Not Registered
Posted: October 1, 2008 at 1:29 AM EST
i love this phone i already have one 3.2 pixel cam. very nice
sgt-d Not Registered
Posted: October 1, 2008 at 4:00 PM EST
i’m not sure if this is true or not.
i spoke to a t-mobile rep last weekend… i’m not certain how “high up” they are, but they had a lot of information about the bold.
they claimed it was being released in early to mid-december and that by that time they would have 20 major areas of the country running a compatible 3g network to support the bold.
of course, i was only worried about st. louis, which is covered.
the only thing they didn’t have was a price sheet.