Barry 0.14 Released – Bugfix & Maintenance Release

With the pitiful effort that RIM has put into Mac support I applaud the Barry team for paving their own way with Linux support for their Berrys. Josep let me know that Barry has released version 0.14 which fixes a couple of bugs that had come up. This is totally still a work in progress but it is amazing how far they have come.

Main features in this release:

  • memory exhaustion bug fixed in opensync plugin
  • documentation updates, including pre-built doxygen output in source tar
  • new field support: Birthday, Location, Description, Anniversary
  • new TMobile US ppp script
  • fixed error message in breset
  • binary packages now have proper names (libbarry0)
  • backup GUI can now reference multiple devices by name instead of PIN

Check out the full changelog and release notes at this link or you can download the latest version at this link.

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