Commercial Reflex Color Zen Theme For 8100, 8300, 8800, & 9000

A friend of mine told me about this theme for his Bold and I was impressed. I did not have a chance to take a screenshot of it on the Bold but trust me it looks good. This is the same reflex theme that we have seen before but it finally got a touch of color to spice things up. The theme is available now for $5.99 for the 8100, 8300, 8800, & 9000 Bold at this link.

reflexcolorhome-menu reflexcolordialogs reflexcolorincoming


On a side note I did find this great list of Bplay themes and games supported on the Bold in case anybody was interested.

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Ya, it looks nice on a Bold..I’m still waiting for Crossbar to be ported though.

  2. black berry is very good

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