Slick New Free Themes- Straight To Your Berry

Well I have merged two posts together for the sake of time and space. Also both of these developers post their themes OTA at

The first set comes from our good friend Akakios, owner of BlackLightThemes. This batch of themes has got some really good looking stuff! First we have a neat Cloud Bottom Dock Theme(83XX, 88XX) with a beautiful cloud background. Second we have an Abstract Custom Theme(83XX, 88XX) with unusual icon placement. Finally there is a great looking Americana Custom Theme(83XX, 88XX) with some really cool imagery!

All of these themes are available for the 88XX and 83XX devices running OS 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5.

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Michael Small, owner of, has been posting his OTA links on his own thread at BlackLightThemes. This has been a wonderful change as I have always HATED plugging in my Berry just to download a theme.

The latest themes Michael has sent in are fairly simple but put together very well. The first is a Pink Squares Theme and the second being a Blues Theme (looks a little like the northern lights). Kind of a His/Hers set of themes! Both of these themes are available for the 81XX, 83XX and 88XX devices running OS 4.5 only.

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