Kevin sent in this commercial application from Electric Pocket called PhoneFace Speed-Dial. We mentioned PhoneFace before but I finally had a chance to play with it. Phoneface is similar to Vringo Facebook in that it lets you sync your contacts with Facebook. This application takes it a couple of steps further. Phoneface lets you have a much bigger picture assigned to your contacts. It also lets you browse your contacts and shows you the picture kind of like Apples cover flow for contacts on your BlackBerry which makes it really easy to find your contacts.
If you are someone that likes to assign pictures to every contact then this is the right application for you as it allows you to assign pictures from your SD card using your SD card for storage as well so you don’t use up all the limited memory on your blackberry. The ability to sync with Facebook is another nice feature, although it would be nicer if you could upload the contacts and automatically download back to your phone instead of having add them one by one.
When you are browsing through your contacts, PhoneFace displays your contacts and as you move to the next contact, a slide appears with the contact’s name and picture. Once you have found the contact you are looking for, you can click on it with the trackball and it will give you the options to either call or text them and it also displays the phone number of the person at the bottom.
One way that you can use this application is if you want to all the people you talk to the most and you have a lot of contacts you can add all your favorite ones on it and makes it much easier to find them with pictureID. The best part of this application is that easy to use.
Get fast access to the people you call most often.
Pick full color, full screen pictures from your BlackBerry or storage card.
Connect to Facebook to find the best pictures of your friends.
Take photos with your BlackBerry camera.
Pick from included images for home, office, sweethearts and more.
Flick to the friend you want to call with your trackball.
Foneface cost $9.99 @ The BerryReview Store but you can get a free trial at this link: Phoneface