BlackBerry Device Software v4.5 Coming Soon?

picture 225 Well at least RIM is saying that through another of their notifications I just received. They have an entire page dedicated to this in the Sept/Oct Newsletter of the BlackBerry Connection IT Edition Newsletter… So does this mean the Big Rollout is finally going ahead? Lets hope so. They list a bunch of features we all by now know about, not to mention have experienced with the firmware versions that have made there way to the Web via various means. Saying that, they still state at the bottom of their Newsletter the following “Please check with your wireless carrier for their availability of BlackBerry Device Software v4.5 and visit the website for updates.”

Download, Save and Edit – Now users can work on Microsoft® Word documents or Microsoft PowerPoint® slides from virtually anywhere, by simply downloading attachments and typing. With Dataviz™ WordToGo and SlideshowToGo, users will enjoy many familiar features like copy and paste, change font sizes and colors, adjust bullets and numbering and more.

HTML and Rich Text Email Rendering – HTML and rich text email messages with original formatting, letting users clearly view tables, images, font formatting and one-click hyperlinks.

Free-Busy Calendar Lookup – Users can look up colleague schedules and book meetings right from their BlackBerry® smartphones, without needing to be at their desk.

Remote Search for Messages – Remote search allows users to find emails that are still stored on your Email Server using name, subject and other search options to narrow the field.

Advanced Enterprise Instant Messaging and Presence – If your company runs IBM® Lotus® Sametime® or Microsoft® Live Communications Server you’ll enjoy a range of enhanced IM features like contact “click to call”, IM session “convert to call” and advanced emoticon support.

Over-the-Air Smartphone Software Upgrades – Enables wireless updates of BlackBerry Device Software. A fast, cost-effective method for remotely supporting users and managing BlackBerry smartphone software lifecycles.

You can catch more of the Newsletter Here

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