We have mentioned WiFi on planes quite a few times on BerryReview and the topic has me excited. Quite a few airlines are rolling out internet to their planes and the big question has been what they will do with technologies such as WiFi and UMA. The FAA has been pretty strict with phones on planes so I was curious to see how this would play out.
Turns out that Om at GigaOm did a bit of digging into Aircell who is powering the internet capabilities on American. He asked an Aircell spokeswoman and got the following response: “The carriers and Aircell have taken a position on this (VOIP) because we don’t want people talking on the plane.” It looks like they will be monitoring traffic patterns and blocking streams that look like VOIP.
Guess that closes one Airline for now. I was kind of afraid of having to sit next to a yapping neighbor on my next flight… What do you think?
via GigaOm
Nate ( View Profile) - Posts: