BlackBerry Developer Conference Early Bird Registration Ends August 31st – Anybody Going?

RIM sent out a reminder yesterday that the BlackBerry Developer Conference early bird registration discount is over at the end of August. In short that means $799 instead of $999. The conference is on October 21 and 22 in Santa Clara, California. The deadline for papers is today. I wonder if they got anything interesting…

Check it out at

The million dollar question: Is anybody going?

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. I am. This thing is only going to work if we make it work. RIM has finally started taking some real steps toward addressing developer concerns and, though it’s not perfect yet by any stretch of the imagination, it’s a start. We’ve got usable forums now and beta releases of API and simulators. Let’s face it, the BlackBerry software ecosystem needs to play catch up and, to me, this means there may be some good opportunities coming up for BB devs.

  2. Too bad I am so far away! I would definitely go if I would be in USA!
    This is definitely a great start for the BlackBerry Development Scene! Keep it up!

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