By viewer request, Akakios has created a Law Enforcement theme in support of the people who risk their lives everyday to keep us safe. This is a great theme with some calming blues. As with all of the themes on, this one is FREE and there is an OTA link to download.
This theme is designed for the 83XX series, but I loaded it onto my 8830 with no problems. The theme is available for OS 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5. Click Here to pick it up!
If anyone feels they need this theme for their Pearl, just drop a comment in the forum and the guys over there will hook you up! Also new to BlackLightThemes’ forum this week are the real icons from the BlackBerry Bold. These have been modified for use on all of the older devices, so if you design your own themes, check out the Plazmic Theme Builder thread.
As a side note, BlackLightThemes has been online only a couple of weeks and they are very close to reaching their 1,000th registered member. So if you have not done so, please head on over and register. After all, these free themes are commercial quality!
Luciano ES ( View Profile) - Posts: