’s BlackBerry Ten Commandments

Sick of church on the weekend? Do you get sore knees bowing to the East every afternoon? Or a headache from a minister who ‘screams’ instead of talking in tongues?
Well, we have something a little different for you. It’s the black art of the BlackBerry religion – lite. A few simple rules to follow here and you will be emailing your way to salvation in no time.

1. Thou shalt not turn off thy BlackBerry.

2. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s BlackBerry.

3. Thou shalt not resort to thy neighbor’s PIN in vain.

4. Thou shalt respond to thy mail in a timely manner.

5. Thou shalt not download stupid voice-activated or other useless apps.

6. Thou shalt remember that the BlackBerry is not a “phone”.

7. Thou shalt accept data outages as part of the Holy BlackBerry Way, not let thy faith wane and not turn to thy carrier for providence. Thou shalt keep strong in thy heart the immovable confidence that thy connection with The Way is never really lost.

8. Thou shalt love, respect and heed thy kin, especially over BB Messenger.

9 Thou shalt know that there is a time and place for everything. For the BlackBerry, it’s all the time!

10. Thou shalt not worship false smartphones!

Had a bit of free time recently so I whipped up this list. This is just one gal’s opinion so don’t take them too seriously. I just thought they would be a good laugh to inspect my own BlackBerry religion. Let me know if you have any ammendments or commandments of your own!

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