NotNow Beta – Ignore Call & Reply With SMS

This is an idea I bounced off a bit back and I am glad it finally got some traction. A friend of mine asked me about 2 months ago if there was a way to ignore a incoming call and automatically reply with an SMS message. He told me that he had this option on his Treo and really missed it on his 8330.

not_1 Turns out that there is now a way to do this with the newly released beta of NotNow by Toysoft.

From the beta description:

NotNow lets you ignore the incoming call and send a friendly SMS message to the caller.

There are times that you can not answer the call such as in a meeting, at the movie, driving or just busy. You can simply press the Ignore button and then select a pre-defined message to send to the caller.

Note:  Landline callers may not be able to receive SMS and some carriers charges you for sending SMS to landline numbers.  Check with your wireless carrier.

You can read more at this link or download the beta OTA at this link.

Thanks to Tashanna for sending this one in via PinStack

6 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Hmmm… doesn’t seem to work on OS4.5!

  2. works on my 8330 OS 4.5

  3. try doing a soft reset if it doesnt do that when you first installed it. Not sure why but one user said it was required.

  4. Sounds like a great idea… but did not function on my Curve. Removed the Batt and still nothing… 🙁


  5. Didn’t work on my curve after the hard reset either.

  6. Should be a very cool feature if they get it working…

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