I was shocked when Bplay let me know about the release of their latest theme based on the children friendly Hannah Montana celebrity. They said that they released it after they found such a strong demand for their Tinker Bell theme. Turns out that Bplay will now also target the young/female demographic.
With that said the theme looks very sharp. The wallpapers are vibrant though the icons are almost camouflaged by the wallpaper. The Hannah Montana logo is emblazoned on the top bar. If you were looking for a theme for your young daughter (who would have thought) then this is it.
You can pick it up now for $5.99 at Bplay for the 8100, 8300, & 8800
BTW: What is the story with this Hannah Montana character. Every pre-teen that I know is in love with her. That and the fact that she keeps on changing wigs…
Ronen Halevy ( View Profile) - Posts: