BlackBerry® Unite!TM Automatic software MR updates are updates to BlackBerry Unite! software. These MR software updates install automatically on computers running BlackBerry Unite! software and include new features and functionality.
To start using the new features each user must reactivate their BlackBerry Smartphone that is connected to BlackBerry Unite!
BlackBerry Unite! software MR 2
Released Thursday, July 31, 2008
- Load default policy
BlackBerry Unite! software MR2 is designed to allow users to reset service restrictions on BlackBerry smartphones to the default settings by clicking a button.
- Restrict file transfers
BlackBerry Unite! software MR2 introduces the functionality to restrict file transfers. BlackBerry Unite! software is designed to allow users to disable file transfer to or from a BlackBerry smartphone, or place a file size limit on file transfers.
- Change the polling interval
BlackBerry Unite! software MR2 is designed to allow users to define the amount of time BlackBerry Unite! software will wait before polling messaging servers for new email messages. A longer polling interval will decrease network activity, and a shorter polling interval will cause BlackBerry Unite! software to check for and retrieve email messages more frequently.
- Rich content email messages
BlackBerry Unite! software MR2 includes support for rich content email messages.
Nikolaus Not Registered
Posted: August 6, 2008 at 3:47 PM EST
FYI that you can now pick up from RIM version 1.0.2 of BB Unite! which at last discussion was still 1.0.1. If you are in the US and you try to download it via the US>>RIM path, then you might get a ‘File not Found’ error from the RIM site. If you say you are a customer of Cincinnati Bell then you’ll be fine.