RIM’s Latest Market Survey Gauges Companies Interest In iPhone – Interesting Questions…

Every month or so I get an email from RIM asking me to fill out a survey for their market research. I did not have a chance to check out the survey myself until Bryan brought it to my attention. While filling out the current survey he noticed that a good half of the survey is just gauging his companies interest in the iPhone. Its is interesting to see that RIM has a healthy interest in the iPhone. Many IT departments are starting to get hammered to support the iPhone by clueless users so RIM’s questions are truly justified. You can see a sample of what I mean below:

rimaskingaboutiphone rimaskingaboutiphone2

  • Have users in your organization requested iPhone smartphones for use with corporate email or applications?
  • Do you have plans to test iPhone for use in your organization?
  • Has your organization purchased iPhone smartphones for any employees?
  • Has your organization deployed iPhone smartphones with corporate email or applications?
  • Does your company support users who have purchased their own iPhone?
  • How likely would you be to recommend iPhone for your organization? Please rate on a scale of 1-5, 1 being not likely at all, and 5 being very likely.
  • What is your perception of iPhone security features?
    • Will never be good enough to use in our company
    • Not good enough today, but will get better
    • Good enough to use in our organization today
    • Don’t know
  • Is the availability of Jailbreak software; which allows end users to load uncertified applications, of significant concern to you?

They also seem to have a healthy interest as to what companies would not allow Camera phones at all and the deployment of Windows Mobile compared to BlackBerrys.

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Sure would like to see the results…

  2. BLACKBERRY NO.1 all the rest are last.

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