Free Apple Leopard Custom Zen Theme For 8300 & 8800

Lauren let us know about this slick new Leopard knockoff theme on Themes4BB. It is a great Bottom dock theme by Amusic that replicates the Leopard experience. Not much more to say beyond that. The icons are slick but a bit small and the text is a bit blocky but other than that it is a great theme!

apple45_1 apple45_2

apple45_3 apple45_4

You can pick it up OTA at the links below. Make sure to download the OS 4.5 version if you have that OS or the generic version if you have another 4.2+ OS.

3 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. These themes are no longer available via the download links given!!!

    Needs update links
    I NEED THIS THEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Any links for this theme that are .zip?

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