3 Free OS 4.5 Themes For 8100, 8300, 8700, & 8800

Peter just let me know that they released three free OS 4.5 themes for the BlackBerry. This brings back the Precision L theme that many of you have been looking for since it got pulled previously. eVeek also threw in two other themes that look quite good.

Precision-L-81-Screenshot11 Precision-L-81-Screenshot22 Precision-L-81-Screenshot33

They are available for OTA and desktop download at the links below at eVeek.com.

8100 Downloads | 8300 Downloads | 8700 Downloads | 8800 Downloads

Redex-81-Screenshot1 Redex-81-Screenshot2Redex-81-Screenshot4

Luminescence-81-Screenshot1 Luminescence-81-Screenshot2 Luminescence-81-Screenshot3

10 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. What’s up with no support for 8320’s…

  2. great themes! i wish redex was available as “bb icon”… i don’t care for themes that make me hit the application button just to see all of my icons.

  3. Do those themes work with 4.2 OS?

  4. I was hoping Peter would update the Precision Zen too a 4.5 to get rid of that damn bar and blue lettering but…I digress..the themes are awesome.

  5. Themes still not showing up on my 8320>>>

  6. Y r the themes not workin for to 8320 someone please tell me

  7. @Austin:
    Are you running OS 4.5 on your 8320? Says these themes require 4.5.

  8. no version available for OS 4.2.2? 🙁 these are pretty awesome themes…

  9. nice themes very clean looking

  10. how do you get all the icon up, i only have 5, help

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