Poll Results: Verizon Will Cripple The Thunder

It was interesting to see the results of the poll we ran a bit back. We asked you “What will Verizon cripple in the upcoming touchscreen BlackBerry Thunder/9500/Storm?”

Turns out that there is almost no doubt in over 95% of of our readers minds that Verizon will do their best to cripple some of the features in the Thunder. I think the most interesting fact is the lack of faith in Verizon. I did not do this poll to bash on Verizon. Rather it was done to point out that Verizon is doing a disservice to their customers by limiting features that other carriers offer for free on near identical devices.

[poll id=”2″]

1 comment on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Could the Thunder possibly get the “free” treatment from Verizon with regards to Visual Voice Mail???

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