I am not so into the whole touchscreen idea myself but Fudzilla is reporting that the Thunder is scheduled to launch on Verizon on October 8th. David Stellmack does qualify that prediction by saying that it still needs to “clean the final Verizon hurdles.”
Not much else new other than the fact that it will have some way to download Rhapsody music OTA.
Read the full story at Fudzilla
Thanks to David for sending this one in! Also saw this one on BBCool but completely forgot about it. 🙁
PS Frog Not Registered
Posted: August 1, 2008 at 3:15 PM EST
iPhone is more cooler than Blakcberry
Nikolaus Not Registered
Posted: August 1, 2008 at 3:54 PM EST
Who is this PS Foog guy anyway?
Does anyone know if there are any plans at all for a GSM Thunder? I expect that would be a big secret if the Thunder is only coming to CDMA’s Verizon for now, but anyone heard anything? There is NO WAY I am switching to Verizorn ever.
Paul Not Registered
Posted: August 1, 2008 at 5:39 PM EST
im stoaked for this… cant wait to dump my crappy 8830 with a fat crack in the screen… its seen better days!
Marco Not Registered
Posted: August 1, 2008 at 5:45 PM EST
I would be really interested in when RIM will release the Thunder in Germany or Europe.
Hopefully Vodafone DE will have it soon once it is released.
I really love this device from what I read so far.
Tim Not Registered
Posted: August 2, 2008 at 2:52 AM EST
Thunder is a CDMA (North America) /GSM (European bands) Verizon/Vodaphone Lifetime Exclusive, so no there are no plans for a north american band GSM band version.
Greg Not Registered
Posted: August 6, 2008 at 12:43 PM EST
After talking with my friends that have the new iPhones. AT&T 3g networks suck. their calls drop, static and garbled, they have to turn of 3g and go back to EDGE if they want decent phone calls, so why would anyone want ATT?
My verizon Blackberry 8830 has the best coverage and quality!
Tim Not Registered
Posted: August 6, 2008 at 7:44 PM EST
As hard it is for most of us who have Verizon and know how good it is to believe, there are a few places left that AT&T has better coverage — FOR NOW — so yeah those few who live/work in those areas do have a legitimate reason. As for the rest of the iToy lovers all I can say is BAAAAAAAAAHHHH!