What Happened To Virtual BlackBerry For Windows Mobile?

Back in 2007 we kept on hearing about the virtual BlackBerry experience coming to Windows Mobile 6.0. Even as far back as the T-Mobile dash was supposed to support it. Then we heard about an upcoming virtual BlackBerry experience for Symbian and that also has yet to pass. The DLL files have already been in the desktop manager for quite awhile.

Then when I hear that BlackBerry Connect is being removed from upcoming Nokia phones it makes me start to wonder. Are vendors moving away from RIM or is RIM cutting ties with other vendors?

When I see a PowerPoint slide such as the one below from RIM it makes me wonder. The Virtual BlackBerry experience for Windows Mobile was supposed to launch in 2007… So what happened?


2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. the competition is heating up, big time

  2. Are there that many “industry leading Windows Mobile devices” on ATT and TMO to justify the development expense? Versus just “sell them a ‘berry”? Last report I recall reading, RIM is still way ahead of anyone else in device sales in North America, so maybe they just decided (without fanfare) to drop this unless device sales start to lag???

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