– Free Videos For Your BlackBerry


While there is always George left us a comment about a new video website for BlackBerry. This one seems to have TV shows, movies, & music videos. I am not sure about the legality of this but it does seem to have been around for awhile.

The movies are not specifically encoded for the BlackBerry but they look very good.

Check it out at Let me know what you think.

4 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Nice..but is not formatted for mobile browser, then using from BB is not a good experience… also the downloads is only for desktop
    For use over PC is ok… but you know =P

  2. Yeah, I was just impressed that you can actually download a whole 30 minute clip O.T.A. It’s just cool to see how much technology changes. Long time ago only a few people had eveyone has one and can’t seem to live without it. Amazing.

  3. this link taes me to blogspot
    plz help

  4. THis link takes me to blog spot
    can som 1 helpme

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