Review: Windows Live Messenger

bbscreen[214]Review: Windows Live Messenger
[Rating: 8/10] 8/10
Cost: FREE

As we have been seeing for the past while, Live Messenger for BlackBerry has been spoken about and made available through certain carriers only. Recently Don Posted on the new links via that there is a new Page for Instant Messaging for SmartPhones, however some users were reporting that they were not seeing this link. This led me to check things out with both my devices, Curve and Pearl, on the issue. Although I could see the link on the Curve, it was not showing on the Pearl. After some link checking I found the page for the download was just being redirected to the link we all know, so I pointed my Pearl Browser to this link and managed to download, install and login.

I will be honest, I am not such a big Live/MSN user anymore and predominantly use GoogleTalk nowadays but I am some some what impressed with this client, it has quite a rich filled GUI, better than I was actually expecting. It has the look and feel of what I have known Live Messenger to be at the Desktop.

I am not going to go in great detail on this Post, as we see that most features are within reason the same across most IM Messaging Clients So I will leave some Screenshots and a few notes, leaving the rest for you to check out 🙂

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The screenshot’s may not do the Native Client justice but the GUI is rather Clean Cut and all honesty looks better on the larger screen of the Curve.

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What I have been most impressed with on the newest native IM Clients, is that the Chat History’s can be saved to the local device, either on the Device and Media Card.

You can get Windows Live Messenger here:

Note: There is still an Agreement required between Carrier and RIM to allow for IM Connectivity, from what I know this has to go through a Legal Process. So your carrier may or may not still support this through there BlackBerry APN.

If not known already there are two other Native Clients but unfortunately my carrier does not support them at this time.

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