DreamBerry – Custom Browser Options For Certain Websites/Bookmarks

browseroptions[1] I have been a bit annoyed with this issue over the years and really wish RIM would address it. So here goes another DreamBerry idea…

Have you ever found that two websites you visit regularly on your BlackBerry require 2 different browser settings to get them to work? For example, your bank website may require Netscape emulation and Reuters looks better with BlackBerry emulation? Or you don’t want to see tables or background images on one website?

So I always find myself fiddling with the Browser options to make each website look readable or even load at all. I wish RIM would let you setup a custom exclusion list where you could set certain bookmarks or whole domains to use different browser settings than the global settings.

I don’t see this as too hard to implement. What do you guys think, would you find this useful?

3 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. I wonder if it’s possible to have multiple browsing profiles, much like ring profiles. Or have a set of bookmark folders which control certain browsing profile settings and you would move your bookmarks to the right folder. Speaking in java terms, how hard would it be to implement a folder/profile structure where bookmarks would inherit base attributes and properties defined by a specific folder/profile? You figure a bookmark only has a few properties– url, etc…, the rest (font, css, basically most of what you see in the screenshot above) can inherit from the folder/profile.

    Bah, it’s late and I’m babbling. Good night!

  2. More along the line of “AUTO MODE” which would determine the best emulation for that specific website.

  3. Randy: I totally agree. If not “Auto” then maybe RIM could implement a google-like rating system where the most used emulation method per site is applied. Even a quick hotkey to switch the emulation method when visiting a site would be very handy.

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