FAQ: Get Verizon To Unlock Your 8830 For International SIM Cards

Paul sent in a great detailed description on how to get Verizon to unlock the GSM portion of your BlackBerry 8830 worldphone FREE. This is not really news since I have heard of people doing this successfully for quite awhile but Paul actually detailed the steps. If you do unlock your phone using this method you will then be able to put in another carriers international SIM card while you are out of the US. That way you can purchase a pay as you go SIM card while your traveling and avoid ridiculously high international rates.Verizonsimcard

From Paul:

So i did this awhile ago to unlock my VZW 8830 World Edition and wanted to pass it on to other VZW users because its AWESOME and best of all free. To unlock your VZW 8830 there are only a few steps.

1) Call Verizon Global support at the following number 1-908-559-4899.
2) Get on the line with a rep and tell them something along the lines of, you are going on a trip to Europe and want to unlock your phone so you can use a foreign SIM card.
3) The VZW rep will take down your info and will Fedex 2nd day you a VZW/Vodafone SIM card (100% free) and instruct you to call back upon receiving the card to receive your unlock code.
4) You get the card and call back and they generate an unlock code and walk you through the unlocking process (also 100% free).
5) Once unlocked you can remove the VZW/Vodaphone SIM card and put in any other international carriers SIM card.

It worked for me! You don’t pay a dime, and there is NO hassle from the VZW rep. It feels good to stick it to VZW every now and then. Feel free to test it out yourself, and this also may deter those from buying marked up unlocked phones for VZW.

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