FAQ: Enable BES Only Message Icon In BES 4.1.5!!!

RIM just published a knowledgebase article on how to enable the Enterprise-only message application icon in BES 4.1 Service Pack 5. This includes the SQL script you have to run to enable this feature!!!

This icon filters your email to only show you your work or BES emails! Kind of like Empower’s BES mailbox. It will add an icon to all the BES users homescreen after it resends the service books.

I would HIGHLY recommend nagging your BES admin until he installs it. Or if you are a BES admin you know your users have been wanting this for ages! I know I have…

The procedure is pretty simple. You can pick up the instructions and the SQL script at this link.

THANK YOU RIM!!! You know we love you!

3 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. This has been on BB’s site since before SP5 was officially out. I enabled it but I will warn any BES Admins…as far as I could tell there is no way to push this to only some users…as a result…most of my users who don’t use personal mail did not see the benefit of it and many complained. I simply manually hid the icon for them on their berrys…if you have a ton of corporate users who will be annoyed by the extra icon, be warned. I am guessing there is a way to manually change this in the SQL tables…but that may be dicey.

  2. Yeah, great, now if only Plazmic would support a different icon in the theme designer for this…

  3. Tried, Tested, Working…
    For those not going to further than reading this Blog Post due to uncertainty, there are two Scripts for this funtionality, One to Enable the Feature and another to Disable the Feature. The SQL Script is applied via an EXE with the relevant switches.
    There is also the option to Hide one or the Icon if this is implemented in the Corporate.

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