Preparing For The Bold – High Res AT&T 3G Coverage Map

With the iPhone 3G coming out AT&T has really been pushing 3G in the US. The thing is that the Bold is scheduled to come right on the heals of the iPhone.

Right now AT&T is claiming the fastest 3G network in the US. They skip over the fact that CDMA networks have much wider 3G coverage compared to only 300 cities for AT&T. On the other hand AT&T 3G has faster data rates and lower latency compared to the EVDO Rev 0 CDMA BlackBerrys.

So what I ran across this high resolution map of AT&T’s 3G coverage on Digg I found it very useful to see where they do and don’t currently have 3G coverage. I thought I would share.


You can catch the high res map at this link. Keep in mind that it is a 1.5MB image so don’t do this on your Berry. I hate linking directly (hotlinking) to this image but there does not seem to be any website on that domain to link to.

Thanks to featherMario on Digg for the legend:

BLUE = Full Coverage
RED/ORANGE = Decent Coverage
ORANGE = Meh Coverage

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