Javelin Sports Micro-USB Jack Instead Of Current Mini-USB?

Secret Agent 001 also sent us this follow up picture of the Javelin side. I am kind of surprised that nobody mentioned this peculiarity before with all the Javelin pictures floating around the web. Or maybe I just missed the mention.

MicrousbUsually we ignore most rumors but this one actually makes a difference. It seems like RIM has decided to move away from the standard Mini-USB connectors on current BlackBerrys to the Micro-USB connectors. This is a real pain considering the fact that it is much harder to find a Micro-USB charger. To the right you can see what a Micro-USB connector looks like.

NOTE: Secret Agent 001 did not have a generic Micro-USB cable to compare with the Javelin cable so he/she cannot confirm 100% but he/she said they look identical. In short it is not the standard connector but I wont stake my life on the fact that it is Micro-USB either. Though it probably is…

While I am happy that they did not go with a proprietary connections I am sad since this means we will need an adapter for any current cables or chargers.


Above you will notice how the USB jack is on the wrong other side of the Javelin. It is also the smaller Micro-USB size. I guess RIM is hoping to make a killing on adapters…

Sorry to be the bringer of bad news but don’t shoot the messenger.

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  1. Yups, dont give us 3G now this… whats next.

  2. This is a GOOD thing!

    Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, LG, and Nokia, were able to sit down long enough to agree on a single standard for cell phone plugs.

    Motorola has been using Micro SD on their new V8 and V9 and that ships with an adapter so you can use standard mini usb cables.

    This is nothing new see this article from 9/2007


  3. This is one of things that drove me nuts about the Palm devices. I would invest in all these accessories for the old connector only to have to purchase completely new accessories for the new connectors when upgrading devices.

    What’s wrong with mini-USB? I loved the fact that the Blackberry used mini-USB because in a pinch I was able to use the same cables that my Nikon SLR used, that my Canon P&S used, even the chargers that the Motorola Razr used! Fewer cables to carry.

    The world was perfect for a few years, at least. =)

  4. @ BerryReview

    I have a friend that works at RIM and I was told that all new devices Bold/Thunder forward will have MicroUSB. I was told that there is a push in the industry to standardize all phones to use MicroUSB and with the same voltages, etc… so that charging devices are uniform between manufacturers and models. Bluetooth headsets are also supposed to get this connector for charging. Basically its to reduce the clutter one carries in their car or with them on a trip so that they can charge all their devices. Sounded smart to me!

    MiniUSB is quite large, too large for some BT headsets so it couldn’t be used.

    Aside from some industry players that tend to want to force people into their standards eg. iPhone with dock connector, this would be hugely beneficial.

    I remember my friend having a Razor, me with my Berry. If we’d take a road trip we’d have to carry both chargers because his Motocharger would charge the Berry, but the Berry’s wouldn’t charge his.

  5. @ Dan

    Just saw your link, didn’t know that this was ever covered…was a great read! 😉

  6. My girlfriends Father works for RIM in Waterloo and La occasionally. He said the push for micro usb is real but the Bold will have Mini Usb and the 8220,8210 , Thunder and Javelin will come bundled with adapters for Mini USB. I find it ridiculous because it will take years to get all electronics onto micro usb. Look at how long mini usb took.

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