Update: BlackBerry Bold To Get Nuance On Device Voice Control?

UPDATE: From what I am hearing the current implementation of Nuance on the Bold is just a replacement for the previous Voice Signal voice dialing application. There are rumblings that it might be extended to device control.

Once again we have some new information from Secret Agent 001 about the upcoming BlackBerry Bold. Nuance essentially means on device voice control for the BlackBerry Bold. I am not sure if this will just replace the current Voice Signal voice dialing application or if this also adds voice control features.


This has to be a new development since I did not see Nuance mentioned anywhere during the WES announcement or any of the reviews of the Bold. It could just be a fluke that RIM shipped out on one of their devices but I doubt it.

I am having a hard time confirming this one. On the other hand I do have the backing of a picture of Nuance running on the Bold. I am still feeling out exactly what Nuance can do on the Bold so I can’t answer any questions just yet. My impressions are that with the new 624Mhz processor this might actually be worth using.

As an extra bonus I have included some pictures of the Bold just in case you want to catch another few glimpses.








2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Get a sim card in that thing… 🙂
    1 word… JEALOUS > yep, that’s me. I wan’t that thing now and ATT is making me wait. Prepare yourselves for the web deluge of iPhonenatics in 1.5 hrs.

  2. Man I hate repeatingggggggg this. I HOPEEEEE magicallyyyyyy Tmo gets this…. but that seems to be dying slowly.

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