Now this looks like a cool application in the making. Stefano sent me a link to a thread on BBforums about a new application/service that turns RSS feeds into voice that you then stream to your BlackBerry. They seem to be just starting but this could be really interesting for listening to RSS feeds while exercising..
NOTE: I have yet to actually get the application to work on my 8310 or 8330 but I have not had alot of time to devote to it. Please report back if you manage to get it to work and don’t complain to me if it does not.
You download their application OTA and then you add RSS feeds to your account. It will then convert the RSS feeds into voice for you to listen to your RSS feeds like you would a podcast. This is not like Jott that lets you listen to RSS feeds over a phone call since this works over your data connection.
They seem to be experiencing some growing pains currently due to their announcement. I guess converting RSS to voice is an intensive process that is taking a toll on their servers. With 3G coming soon this will become a reasonable solution for getting the latest news on your Berry.
Check it out at You can download the application to your Berry OTA at
mcky Not Registered
Posted: July 10, 2008 at 9:38 AM EST
Getting “Service Temporarily Unavailable” each time the url is click on. Unable to create an account.
alan Not Registered
Posted: July 15, 2008 at 2:06 AM EST
Thanks for the mention…
You are right, we just rolled it out in beta format and the rush of users created problems in our dedicated server. Please email me if you continue to have problems. We have updated the mobile app several times since issuing it in the forum due to user feedback, some network connection problems through the network that we did not experience using Nokias and Motorolas before but have experienced with the blackberry curves that we use.
[email protected]
Luke Not Registered
Posted: July 15, 2008 at 6:06 AM EST
Wow, this is cool. Guess I can do something while commuting to NYC everyday. Not a music fan, but like to read some great bloggers, help a lot in my stocks. Thanks, man. I am waiting for it to become my daily radio.
Caonima Not Registered
Posted: January 30, 2009 at 6:11 PM EST
我叫杨志,my english is so poor!